As a part of our underused Talent Management features series, we wanted to highlight some of the different ways you can recognize the accomplishments of your employees. In this post, we will walk through three underused Talent Management features: Employee Recognition, 360 Reviews, and Project Appraisals. Each of these features makes it easy for you to recognize your employees and for your employees to recognize each other.

We often talk about the modern workforce in our posts, but I think the desire for recognition is pretty universal. Your employees want to feel like they are contributing to your business and they want to know that they are having a positive impact on their colleagues. It can be difficult to find the time to create these types of programs and that’s why we’ve built features into Talent Management to help you create a positive culture of recognition and collaboration. If you’d like to learn more or see these features in action, check out our recent demo called “Give Employees What They Crave: Recognition.”

#1) Employee Recognition

Within Deltek Talent Performance, employees can submit recognition for other employees in the organization.  The employee giving recognition can provide information by selecting “create new employee recognition” and inputting information for one or more employees. They can include specifics about the situation and the skills and competencies that the employee or team demonstrated.

Once employee recognition has been given, the employee who gave this recognition can see the feedback they’ve given and received, and can drill down to view the details of each entry.  This screen lists recognition created by the logged in user, as well as recognition submitted by other employees to recognize the currently logged in user.

employee recognition tool screenshot

Employees can view the feedback they have given and received

When the entry is submitted, an email notification is sent to the employee being recognized, his or her manager, and the user who submitted the entry. Additionally, both the manager and employee can access recognition as a part of the employee’s performance review.

preview company appraisal screenshot

Include Employee Recognition entries in performance discussions

#2) 360 Reviews

Another way to collect information is through the use of 360 appraisals. These reviews expand the performance process from managers/team leads and employees to others who have information about the employee’s performance (both inside and outside of the organization). Managers can easily launch a 360 using a workflow template and choose who the feedback will be requested from.

new 360 assessment screenshot

360 Reviews are easy and intuitive to launch and use

If you enable the option, employees can also recommended others they would like to participate. It is also possible to keep the participants anonymous in the employee’s view. Once all participants are confirmed, the manager can review and advance the 360 to the next phase. At this point, participants in the 360 receive an email notification with a link to the solution to complete their task.  They are able to review the items included in the form, as well as provide comments where applicable.

As participants complete the review, managers can view who has/hasn’t completed their tasks.  They can drill-down into each completed review to see individual responses.  They also have a summary view available to them to see results side-by-side.

step 2 of 360 assessment wizard screenshot

All completed 360s are stored within the employee’s past appraisals section

Additionally, a project team lead can launch project 360s for members of the project team. External participants (such as the client they worked with) can also be included to obtain feedback on project delivery. Reports on 360s are also available, making it easy to see what feedback is being captured.

#3 Project-Based Appraisals

What can you do to make sure that the feedback you’re providing your employees is both timely and relevant? One answer may be at your fingertips. There are many different ways to manage employee performance, ranging from annual performance reviews to continuous feedback sessions. Deltek’s strong focus on projects means we also provide project-based appraisals for your project team members. This makes it easy to involve project managers in the review process and solicit feedback on employee performance at the end of projects they are engaged in.

Within Talent Development, project teams can be added and team members and a team lead established.

project team for business process improvements screenshot

As a part of the project team, performance reviews can be launched for team members by the team lead.

Project reviews can include goals, competencies, achievements, and other components. These components are then available for review and scoring by the team lead. This means your employees are getting relevant and timely feedback that can be immediately applied to their next project. You will create a culture of performance and recognition while helping your employees to develop and advance more quickly.

If you are looking for ways to drive employee engagement and improve performance across your project teams, then you’ve found a great place to get started with these features.

The three features discussed here are easy to use and easy to implement.  Make sure to subscribe to hear more about ways you could be leveraging your Talent Management solution more fully.

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