Here are our top 3 steps should companies take to make sure they’re hiring the right person every time:
Strategic Fit: First and foremost, organizations need to clearly define why they are hiring this person – in other words, where will this role fit into the organizational strategy and direction? Every role needs a purpose. Not only will this ensure that the employee filling the role is adding long-term value to the organization, but it will also ensure that the employee feels a sense of purpose every day they come to work.
Cultural Fit: Secondly, the company should have clear tangible values and culture that each employee contributes to in some way. The reality is, that no matter how talented someone may be at what they do, they may not fit into their department, their team or the company as a whole, which would make them just as bad of a hire as someone without the proper skills. If they don’t feel like they belong, they will quickly become disengaged, and would probably end up leaving their role prematurely, putting you back at square one.
Competency Fit: Last but not least, the most common fit that recruiters look for in candidates is in the experience and skills they have acquired that make them eligible for the position. This is the most obvious fit, but even here, companies can be too hasty in their decisions if a candidate has “most” of the requirements they are looking for. One of the easiest ways to mitigate this is to list out the position’s “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves”. That way if someone is missing one of the “must-haves”, they are automatically disqualified from the position.